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Marketing, design, and technical resources for making your digital and print communications more effective.

A Great Lesson in Communication

March 13th, 2012

This presentation from Colin Robertson at TED is one of the best demonstrations of concise and effective communication that I’ve ever seen.   It has great object lessons that can be applied to Web design and marketing communication in general.

Here are the main takeaways I got from the presentation:

  • He uses very few words, but the words he does use are the key messages of his presentation. So much of Web and print design would be much more effective with fewer but better chosen words.
  • It’s out of the ordinary (way out of the ordinary) and creates a unique memorable experience. How long will you remember this presentation?  How long would you have remembered it if he would of taken up the three minutes talking?
  • The nonverbal communication which comprised 99% of the message is “quality” in the sense that it’s professionally orchestrated. The effect would not of been nearly as powerful or long lasting if that level of effort wasn’t put into the production.  It’s the cumulative effect of many small details being done correctly. Same applies to Web design, overall quality is achieved by paying attention to many details which result in the cumulative effect of providing credibility to the message.
  • I think this is a very important point–a significant portion of the content was provided with collaboration from the audience.

How to update custom HTML email template content in VerticalResponse

February 23rd, 2012

This screencast covers the basics for updating the content of a custom HTML email design template using VerticalResponse’s Canvas editor.  For more information on our custom HTML email design and samples of our past work visit this page.

Great Branding

January 3rd, 2012

I wanted to share this phenomenal branding video from my friends at Infuze Marketing in Sacramento. While I have to admit I’m biased in my fondness for Infuze Marketing, this truly is one of the best branding videos I’ve ever seen especially considering the relatively small market. Great job Infuze!

BitDefender – Creating Powerful Corporate Mythology

August 30th, 2011

BitDefender Logo

I’m fascinated how a corporation can use a logo, or rather the story behind it, as a totem of corporate mythology (or to be more crass, groupthink). Logos often have more impact within an organization than without. I don’t really get much as a consumer from BitDefender’s new logo at first glance, but as you can see from this link they have created a great myth around it which can be a powerful uniting force within the organization and amongst their customer evangelists.  You can check out their new brand mythology here.  My compliments to the branding team who led this project.


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